Dickinson & Avella, PLLC
We Build Strategies for Success
Economic Development -
Cannabis -
Racing & Gaming -
Education -
Criminal Justice -
Technology -
Voting/Elections -
Healthcare -
Professional Sports -
Finance -
Insurance -
Mental Health -
Economic Development - Cannabis - Racing & Gaming - Education - Criminal Justice - Technology - Voting/Elections - Healthcare - Professional Sports - Finance - Insurance - Mental Health -
New York State is a complex web of interconnected entities & interests. It can be overwhelming, but we know how to navigate that web.
Our team puts our clients first. We work hand in hand with them to craft individualized strategies, because we know that no two entites are the same and that every situation is different. The landscape in NY is constantly shifting, from earth-shaking elections to small day-to-day staff changes and we make sure that the clients that entrust us with their goals are always well-positioned to succeed.
We know that finding the right team to represent you is a choice not to be taken lightly. That’s why we offer free consultations to walk you through your needs, the scope of your goals, and your budget.

Let’s talk ~
If you or your organization needs help with NYS government, let’s chat and see how we can help.