Friday Morning Brief Jan 31, 2025

Member Spotlight

Senator Chris Ryan

Newly elected Senator Chris Ryan joins us to discuss his Central New York-based district, priorities, and goals for his first legislative session in the Senate. Prior to being elected to the Senate, he served as a labor leader and as a Member of the Onondaga County Legislature, where he advocated for working families and good-paying union jobs. He is currently the Chair of Cities 2 and serves as a member of various other Senate committees, including Labor, Health, and Consumer Protection.

What district do you represent? Can you describe it to those who have never been there?
I represent the 50th Senate District. Geographically, the district encompasses the eastern, western and northern suburbs of the City of Syracuse and north Onondaga County. I also represent a large area of Oswego County that goes north to Lake Ontario. It’s a district right in the heart of Central New York full of great people.
What music do you like? Any favorite bands/artists? 
 I’m kind of old school. My top five list are Grateful Dead, Neil Young, Van Morrison, Blues Traveller, and the Dave Matthews Band.
What about sports? Any favorite NY sports team? 
I love all Syracuse University sports. In Central New York, we bleed orange. I also married into a very big sports family—we are very big on college basketball. My father-in-law played and coached basketball back in the day at St. Bonaventure, and now my son attends the University, so that would be my number two.  
Favorite food? Any restaurant recommendations that are in your district? 
My favorite is definitely Indian food. There’s also a great Italian place in North Syracuse called Grotto and another hidden gem up in Oswego called Vona’s - great chicken parm. I also have to shout out to Hofmann Hot Dogs in the village of Liverpool.
What was your occupation before running for office? Did it lead you to run for the Senate?
I was the President and Executive Vice President of Communications Workers America Local 1123 for the past 22 years and have served as a Member of the Onondaga County Legislature for 13 years, and for the past 4 years the Minority Leader. My time at the union and the County Legislature definitely shaped my experiences. Labor motivated me to get into public service and to run for office. 
What experiences/viewpoints do you hope to bring to the Senate from your time as a labor leader? 
Absolutely, my time as a labor leader impacts my viewpoints as a Senator. Understanding how unions benefit employees and businesses brings a unique skill set and perspective. In labor, it engrains you to stand up, fight, and advocate for what you believe in. But you also learn to negotiate in active bargaining agreements. In public service, you must understand and talk with various stakeholders to reach a certain goal. You’re not going to get 100% of something all the time, but working in politics or labor breeds a certain amount of pragmatism.
What issues do you think are impacting your district the most? 
Healthcare is a big issue – specifically affordability and access. Infrastructure and transportation are also other big issues. For example, right in the heart of my district will be the new Micron facility, which will undoubtedly be a great economic development opportunity for the region. However, it will mean we will have to work to ensure safe and efficient transportation and improvements of existing infrastructures. Economic development opportunities also bring to light the importance of supporting labor, ensuring the labor force working on this project is making a wage where they can afford a good quality of life, including adequate housing options. I look forward to joining the active talks occurring on housing with my colleagues and the various stakeholders to tackle this issue.

Are there any other statewide issues that you see that you want to focus on in the upcoming session? 
Education. We have great schools across my district and statewide, but we want to ensure that our schools and educators have the necessary resources to continue educating our youth and ensuring our communities thrive.
What advice would you give young folks who want to be more involved in politics but are afraid to get involved?
Politics and public service is a great way to not only support your community but also to impact people's lives for the better. Understand that half of what you see on social media may not be true, and the current hyper-politicization isn't how we as elected officials operate. Trust and verify, but don't let misinformation and sensationalism prevent you from getting involved. 

Are you a public official or staffer that would like to be featured in our spotlight? If so, reach out to your favorite D&A team member or contact us at to set up an interview!

Susan Watts/Office of Governor Kathy Hochul

Trump's 48 Hours of Federal Funding Freeze Amidst the Start of Budget Hearings


After President Trump issued (then rescinded) an executive order freezing all federal funding, lawmakers have begun raising concerns about Trump’s future actions in the state’s budget process. With the issuing and rescinding of Trump’s order to freeze federal funding occurring at the same time as the start of the Joint Budget Hearings, lawmakers began asking department heads about the possible impacts from Washington. The apparent temporary federal funding freeze jeopardized $93 billion in federal funding to the state. “The uncertainty has already arrived,” said Senator Zellnor Myrie.

During the uncertainty after the issuance of the Executive Order, Attorney General Letitia James led a lawsuit with other states and with support from Hochul. While the order was subsequently rescinded, the lawsuit seems ongoing due to Trump’s Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt explaining that the rescission was only on the OMB memo. “The executive orders issued by the president on funding reviews remain in full force and effect and will be rigorously implemented by all agencies and departments,” explained Leavitt.

Although Hochul is supporting James’ lawsuit against Trump, she explained that she will not be “playing whack-a-mole with every single initiative that comes out of Washington” and added, “The one thing we’re not going to do is panic.” State Republicans explained that Hochul and the leaders of the Legislature should have prepared for the incoming Trump Administration and its potential federal spending cuts to the state. It remains to be seen on further impacts from Trump during the ongoing budget process.

Darren McGee/Office of Governor Kathy Hochul


 On Tuesday, Hochul announced an additional investment of $110 million for projects in Pro-Housing Communities as part of the latest Regional Economic Development Council funding round. The investment will go towards projects across all state regions, with funding also covering infrastructure and planning costs. The latest investment supports Hochul’s $25 billion Housing Plan and builds upon previous actions to increase the state’s affordable housing supply, including the 421-a and 485-x tax incentives. “There’s only one solution to New York’s housing affordability crisis: we’ve got to build more housing,” explained Hochul.

On Wednesday, Hochul touted the lowest level of gun violence in communities participating in the state’s Gun Involved Violence Elimination initiative. The data highlights that shooting incidents with injury declined 28 percent in 2024 compared to 2023, and the number of individuals injured declined 25 percent. The decrease in percentage reflects Hochul’s commitment to decreasing gun violence in the state, such as continuing the funding of the Gun Involved Violence Elimination initiative in her proposed Executive Budget. “Gun violence has dropped by 28 percent, meaning 238 fewer people wounded by gunfire in our neighborhoods. But we’re not stopping here,” explained Hochul.

In another public safety announcement, Hochul announced that 57 counties and NYC would be awarded $55 million for strengthening the state’s emergency response and communications systems. The $55 million would be dispersed through a $45 million Interoperable Communications Formula Grant Program and a $10 million Public Safety Answering Point Grant Program. The grants would reimburse counties buying new equipment that utilizes Next Generation 911 technologies. The grants support the state’s commitment to upgrading existing emergency response systems and developing Next Generation 911 technologies. “[A] Reliable emergency dispatch system is critical for getting first responders where they’re needed — fast,” explained Hochul.

With January being Firefighter Cancer Awareness Month, Hochul highlighted her recent Executive Budget proposal to ban the sale of firefighter gear containing PFAS and the state’s effort to protect and support firefighters and their families. In conjunction with the Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Services, the state Office of Fire Prevention and Control has implemented protocols for limiting exposure to harmful chemicals and established a training calendar for firefighter departments. “I’ll continue making sure our firefighters and first responders have all the equipment and resources they need to protect themselves while they work to protect their communities,” said Hochul.


Next week, the Legislature is scheduled to be in session Monday to Wednesday

Joint Legislative Budget Hearings next week:

Tuesday - Local Government/General Government
Wednesday - Mental Hygiene
Thursday - Transportation 

Below are staff analyses of the Executive budget proposal:

Aung Hset/D&A

2025 Joint Legislative Budget Hearings Begin 

Earlier this week, the Joint Legislative Budget Hearings kicked off on Monday with Agriculture & Markets/Parks and Recreation. At Monday’s hearing, testimonies were heard on the state’s agriculture industry and funding for various recreational initiatives, such as NY SWIMS. During the hearing, many lawmakers and panelists applauded the inclusion of a universal free school meals program. On Tuesday, lawmakers heard testimonies on the state’s energy infrastructure and transition into a renewable green economy, with many lawmakers questioning NYSERDA and DEC officials about the expected funding and implementation for Cap-and-Invest. On Wednesday, the Joint Legislative Budget Hearing on Elementary/Secondary Education led to many lawmakers questioning SED and NYC DOE officials on the proposed Foundation Aid changes and classroom cellphone bans. The possible impacts of federal policies were also discussed throughout the three hearings due to concerns about less federal funding.

Aung Hset/D&A

Senate Passes Utility Cost and Ratepayers Protection Legislative Package 

On Monday, the Senate passed a legislative package to address utility costs and increase transparency of utility rates. “New Yorkers are burdened with some of the highest utility rates in the country, often without clear explanations or transparency in how these rates are determined,” explained Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins. “The importance of building strong long-term sustainable infrastructure goes hand in hand with balancing the ability for every New Yorker to maintain their households in day-to-day life,” added Senator Kevin Parker, the Chair of Energy and Telecommunications Committee. Some of the bills in the legislative package are:

  • Limiting Estimated Billing: would require utility companies to perform meter readings instead of estimated bills to ratepayers.

  • Limiting Fixed Charges: would direct the Department of Public Service to adjust utility corporation's residential fixed charge upon their filing with the Department regarding rate schedule amendments

  • Affordable Payment Plans: would require utility companies to establish a statewide affordable payment plan program for ratepayers in various social service programs

  • Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program: would automatically reenroll eligible households for ow-income home energy assistance program

Aung Hset/D&A

Senator Liz Kreuger Rallies for Co-Op Residents' Protections

On Monday, Senate Finance Chair Liz Krueger rallied with advocates for a billthat would limit rent increases and increase protections for ground lease co-op residents. Krueger explained that the bill would provide co-op residents the “same rights and protections we’ve been building and establishing for renters.” Specifically, the bill would cap annual rent increase at 3% or the CPI, depending on which is higher, and give the residents the right to renew on the same terms and the right of first refusal if the landowner decides to sell the co-op. Advocates of the bill explain that middle-class families largely inhabit co-ops and would benefit from the increased protections. Meanwhile, the opponents of the bill explain that the bill would interfere with private contracts and benefit wealthy co-op residents.

Lawmakers Rally for Marcy Correctional Closure and Correctional Facilities Reform 

In an ongoing response to the death of Robert Brooks at Marcy Correctional Facility last month, lawmakers continue to push for the closure of Marcy Correctional Facility and a reform of the state’s correctional facilities to increase transparency and accountability. Senate Crime Victims, Crime & Correction Committee Chair Julia Salazar explained earlier this week that Hochul has expressed “openness” to closing Marcy Correctional. Salazar also said that the Legislature should pass a legislative package to allow correctional officers to be fired more easily, create an agency to monitor the Department of Corrections and Community Supervision, and allow the state’s Correctional Association to visit correctional facilities unannounced.

Salazar said she is collaborating with the Black, Hispanic, Puerto Rican & Asian Legislative Caucus to push for the legislative package. "We want the package of legislative bills, we want system change, we want reallocation, we want it all. We want accountability, we want these bills now," Black, Hispanic, Puerto Rican & Asian Legislative Caucus Chair Michaelle Solages explained. Assemblymember Eddie Gibbs, the first formerly incarcerated individual elected to the Assembly, explained that he would continue to lead the charge in closing down Marcy Correctional. "If someone is being systematically abused, you cut that system down. You don't play politics," Gibbs explained.

Assemblymember Micah Lasher and Senator Zellnor Myrie Push for Discovery Reforms

On Tuesday, Assemblymember Micah Lasher and Senate Codes Chair Zellnor Myrie held a press conference in support of their bill to reform the state’s current discovery laws. The bill would enable prosecutors to directly access police databases for evidence and information while not making any changes to discovery laws’ timelines or requirements. The press conference comes after Hochul included her own proposed discovery laws changes in her Executive Budget, which would roll back on some of the discovery laws’ requirements and compliance. With the Joint Budget Hearing on Public Protections in two weeks, Myrie explained that he is looking forward to working with all stakeholders. Similarly Hochul said she is looking “forward to working with the Legislature on a Final Budget that keeps all New Yorkers safe.”

Aung Hset/D&A

Assembly Hold Public Hearing on Horseshoe Crabs 

In addition to the Budget Hearings, the Assembly Environmental Conservation Committee held a public hearing on the state’s management of horseshoe crabs. In the hearing, several panelists advocated for the Legislature to advance protections for horseshoe crabs for bait and pharmaceutical purposes, noting that the drop in the horseshoe crab population has adversely impacted the animals that rely on horseshoe crabs. Assembly Environmental Conservation Chair Glick also criticized Hochul’s veto of a bill that would provide increased protections for horseshoe crabs. However, lawmakers voiced their support for the reintroduction of the vetoed bill.


Assemblymember Jenifer Rajkumar Announces Candidacy for NYC Public Advocate

Earlier this week, Assemblymember Jenifer Rajkumar announced her candidacy for NYC Public Advocate, ending her previous campaign for City Comptroller. She will now face incumbent Jumanne Williams, who is running for a third term. Rajkumar explained that she is running for Public Advocate because NYC “can no longer afford the out-of-touch agenda of extremists like Jumaane Williams” and instead “proven fighters who will focus on the issues that all New Yorkers care about.” In response to Rajkumar’s announcement, Williams sent out a press release highlighting endorsements from lawmakers, including City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams, Borough President Donovan Richards, and Senate Deputy Majority Leader Mike Gianaris.

Reported Talks Between Eric Adams and the Justice Department 

Amidst rumors of NYC Mayor Eric Adams resigning this week, it was reported that the Justice Department had discussions with Adams’ attorney about dropping his five counts of federal corruption charges. However, the Justice Department and the Mayor’s Office have not confirmed about the talks. This comes as Adams was on a temporary sick leave earlier this week and after federal prosecutors informed the court of potential more charges against Adams. Adams has pleaded not guilty and is scheduled for trial in April.

Trump Reportedly Considering Halting Congestion Pricing 

Yesterday, it was reported that President Trump is considering halting Congestion Pricing by withdrawing the federal authorization that former President Joe Biden gave. While Trump has not confirmed whether he would withdraw the authorization or not, He has previously voiced his opposition to Congestion Pricing, stating that it would harm the city’s post-pandemic economy. Trump did inform Hochul yesterday morning that the topic of congestion pricing should be further discussed next week.


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