Friday Morning Brief March 28, 2025

Member Spotlight


Khaleel Anderson

Assemblyman Khaleel Anderson joins us to discuss his Southeast Queens-based District, priorities, and passion for serving his community both prior to his time in the legislature and as an Assemblymember. Before being elected to the Assembly, he was a community organizer and activist advocating for equitable and just policies for his community. Currently, he is the Chair of the Task Force on Food, Farm & Nutrition Policy and Subcommittee on Banking in Underserved Communities. He also sits on various Assembly committees, including on Children and Families, Energy, and Insurance.

What district do you represent?
I represent the 31st Assembly District in Southeast Queens. That includes the neighborhoods of the Rockaways, South Ozone Park, Rosedale, Springfield Gardens, Brookville, and the entirety of JFK airport. 

Any landmarks or restaurants that are in your district you want to highlight?
I have an international district. Having JFK Airport, probably the largest airport in the nation, in the district is so important because it translates to the multi-diverse people who live here and call this place home. We have some of the district's best Caribbean and soul food restaurants. We also have some of the best beaches people can visit – millions flock to the Rockaways during the summertime, and thousands flock to see Jamaica Bay for the ecosystem and eco-cultural systems. There’s so much happening in the district. Still, I think one of the things to highlight is the people who make this district diverse and multicultural, as well as the environmental diversity via the ecosystem or ecological system in Jamaica Bay. It's an amazing place that everyone should visit.

What’s your favorite music? Any favorite bands/artists?
I am biased, so I always say that folks who come out of the Rockaways are my favorite. We have a couple of hip-hop artists and jazz musicians based in the Rockaways Peninsula. Stack Bundles is someone I have listened to, he originated from the Rockaways. I also enjoy listening to some folks who’ve walked among us and who’ve produced jazz or reggae. These genres have found their way either originating or becoming popular on our shores in the Rockaways and parts of our Southeast Queens communities.

What about sports? Do you have any favorite New York sports teams
I’m the biggest Knicks fan you will ever meet – I’m a bigger Knicks fan than NYC Public Advocate Jumanne Williams, and I think I’m a bigger Knicks fan than Senator Jamaal Bailey. When I was 15 or 16, my family and I were temporarily displaced due to Superstorm Sandy. But while living in a hurricane shelter, I would return to my home in the Rockaways to volunteer and distribute hot food as part of a relief effort to those left behind without electricity or hot food. One day, while volunteering, Mike Breen, the announcer for the Knicks, was also happening to be volunteering and offered me and some of the other volunteers to see the Knicks versus the Pacers in 2013. That year was also the year the Knicks made it furthest in the 2000s. Ever since then, I have fallen in love with the Knicks. I hated sports before and never asked to see a game. But at that moment of service, I felt poured into the love of the game and the Knicks.

What was your occupation before being elected to the Assembly?
I served as a community organizer and activist. I was a member of my local community board. But I was also causing good trouble down where I was in the Rockaways, fighting against Bloomberg’s cuts to our libraries and schools. I was also helping to make sure that we build urban agricultural spaces in the community where I grew up but also changing the narrative and the perspective of the young person during a time of trial and a time of confusion as it relates to what the young person’s purpose is and how they can contribute to society. So, my profession was a community organizer, activist, and community board member. What I did for work was serving as a Supplemental Instructor for CUNY for about two semesters.

As the Chair of the Task Force on Food, Farm & Nutrition Policy, what issues are you hoping to address?
We have three areas of focus. As the Chair of this amazing task force, we are trying to figure out food affordability. Secondly, we will try to figure out and expand models of urban agriculture. And three, fighting to ensure that in the richest state and the richest country in the history of the world, no New Yorker goes hungry. We are trying to implement things that we can do to make sure that food is affordable for New Yorkers. Right now, 1 in 4 New Yorkers rely on food pantries or are food insecure, and 1 in 9 New Yorkers experience a lack of access to food. For a certain number of people living in food apartheid communities like the ones that I represent, affordability looks like bold, ambitious, run-of-the-mill ideas that you're not going to hear from your traditional moderate Democrat, your traditional moderate Republican, or your standard folks. We will be looking to push these ideas because we know that food unites all parties. For urban agriculture, I've been doing this for the better part of ten years of fighting to ensure that our food systems meet today's needs and challenges. That means aquaponics, vertical growing, office growing, and turning vacant office spaces into agricultural spaces so that we can feed New Yorkers. Most importantly, it is important to ensure that, again, in the richest state and country in the world, no one goes hungry. That means taking care of that family, earning a dollar over, and not qualifying for SNAP or a food pantry. Additionally, we must address the stigma associated with food pantries and create options that help eliminate the stigma, like a digital pantry. That's our focus this year.

As the Chair of the Subcommittee on Banking in Underserved Communities, what steps do you think NYS should take to address?
So, one of the things that I've been working on since being elected was making sure that the state's Banking Development District program, which is a program that incentivizes financial institutions to come to underserved communities, actually works and does what it set out to do when it was passed. It was supposed to help the people who need access to financial institutions so that they do not succumb to loan sharks and predatory lending that we're seeing in our communities. So, one of the priorities is improving the Banking Development District program and fighting to bring back an old but new idea of postal banking. Most importantly, we must figure out ways to promote financial literacy in our classrooms, schools, and community centers. And those are the main things we're focusing on with the new Chair of Banks. The new Chair of Banks is Clyde Vanel, an Assembly Member from my neck of the woods in southeastern Queens. So, our priority is partnering to figure out how we can do these things.

Are there any statewide issues you are hoping to address?
We need a public bank to ensure that there is a healthy type of competition, if you will, with our commercial and state-chartered banks. Lending has been a challenge to those who need access to capital and resources. That being said, I support public banks and improving the BDD program that helps the entire state. Everything I discussed regarding our three priorities helps my district and the whole state. However, to add to that, we must look at public banking. We've seen it piloted or begun to be piloted in the city of Rochester. And we want to see more happen across the state.

What advice would you give to young folks who want to get into politics
When I was elected, I was 23, just turning 24. And I still hold the record of being the youngest African-American ever elected to both the Assembly and Senate. I'm grateful for that designation, not because of the title but because of the work and struggle I bring to the Legislature. Being a young New Yorker, I struggle to afford where I live, and that's the reality for many young New Yorkers. My advice to a young New Yorker who wants to get involved in politics is not to be someone but to do something. Being elected is not about the title or the recognition. When running around, doing block cleanups, helping feed seniors, or fighting policies that wouldn’t help my communities, I wasn't doing it to be an Assembly Member, a Council Member, or any other elected position. I was doing it to fight for the community and those left behind and forgotten about. When I think about my district here, we are probably one of the most geographically, politically, and socially isolated districts in the state with its demographics and its high level of black, brown, Asian, and Puerto Rican communities. And so, with those types of dynamics, it's important to acknowledge that our young people are our future and that our young people must look to do something rather than be someone. So that's one piece of advice. Secondly, I would advise folks to pick an issue and become experts. Focus on that issue, build with that issue, grow with that issue, and become that issue so that you can make yourself into someone reliable on that issue.

Any last comments?  
We're entering troubling times. We're entering times where our political climate is divisive. We're entering times where people don't trust and understand the government. We're entering times when there's a lack of confidence in knowing who is fighting for whom and why they're fighting. There's so much distrust and uncertainty in politics, corruption, and deceit. But I thank this district for trusting me to try to restore some semblance of faith, some semblance of trust, some semblance of understanding, some semblance of accountability, and access to a space that hasn't had that before. And so, when I leave my position and move on – because I'm here for a good time, not a long time – I hope to leave behind an institution that individuals can see, touch, taste, smell, and be impacted by.

Are you a public official or staffer that would like to be featured in our spotlight? If so, reach out to your favorite D&A team member or contact us at to set up an interview!

Mike Groll/Office of Governor Kathy Hochul

Budget Talks at a "Standstill"

With the Legislature passing the Debt Service budget bill yesterday morning, Senate Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins described the current state of budget talks as the “beginning of the end.” While Stewart-Cousins explained that the Legislature is “rowing in the same direction,” Heastie calls the current talks at “a standstill” due to Hochul's lack of language proposals. With lawmakers returning home yesterday and scheduled to be back in session on Tuesday (the day of the budget deadline), the Legislature will likely pass a budget extender Tuesday morning. Currently, Stewart-Cousins and Heastie indicated that the Legislature has agreed to Hochul’s “bell-to-bell” cellphone ban proposal and conceptually agreed to Hochul’s proposal to change the state’s discovery laws.
Earlier this week, Stewart-Cousins explained that the majority of Senate Democrats “are more comfortable” and reached a “general consensus” with Hochul’s “bell-to-bell” cellphone ban proposal but “want to make sure there’s appropriate flexibility.” Heastie also explained on Tuesday that the "vast majority” of the Assembly Democrats “are probably more comfortable with bell-to-bell.” While the leaders said that the Legislature is now more likely to agree to Hochul’s “bell-to-bell” cellphone ban proposal, they must also agree to specific language that will be included in the Final Budget agreement.
Additionally, Stewart-Cousins told reporters that the Senate Democrats conceptually agreed with Hochul’s proposal to change the state’s discovery laws. Specifically, Senate Democrats agreed that the current discovery laws allow cases to be dismissed over small or technical oversight. However, Stewart-Cousins explained that she, Heastie, and Hochul are debating over the "appropriate language” for judges to allow for additional discretion without undermining the criminal justice intent of the discovery laws. Heastie explained, “I’m pro-justice, wanting a fair exchange of discovery and let the wheels of justice turn.”  
While some progress has seemed to be made over cellphone ban and discovery, lawmakers must also agree to language regarding MTA funding, involuntary commitment, and a recent push by Hochul for a mask ban. Additionally, uncertainty over federal funding looms, with the federal government already cutting $300 million for OASAS, OMH, and DOH on Wednesday. “The [budget] process is tedious because of what we see on the horizon coming from our Republican colleagues in Washington,” explained Stewart-Cousins. Hochul has expressed that she and the Legislature can reconvene for a special session later this year to address future budget shortfalls from any federal funding cuts. "Nothing prohibits us from coming back in a special session to deal with anything that comes our way from the federal government,” Hochul said on Monday.

Mike Groll/Office of Governor Kathy Hochul


On Monday, Hochul hosted a roundtable with survivors of domestic abuse and local DAs to advocate for her Executive Budget proposal to change the state’s discovery laws. Hochul and local DAs explained that current discovery laws led to higher instances of dismissal of cases involving domestic violence. Additionally, survivors and local DAs reiterated their support for Hochul’s investment proposal to expand access to domestic violence prevention and sexual assault prevention programs. “While crime is going down across New York, crimes related to domestic violence remain stagnant. To address this issue and ensure the safety of all New Yorkers, we need to continue funding the programs that protect victims and survivors and streamline discovery laws to hold individuals who cause harm accountable for their actions.” Hochul explained.

On Tuesday, Hochul announced that more than $2.1 million has been awarded to 43 faith-based and non-profit organizations for improving public access to technology. Disbursed through the state Office of Faith and Non-profit Development Services, the 43 organizations awarded will use the funds to address barriers to technology access in vulnerable communities without proper digital infrastructure. The recent awards build upon the state’s commitment to bridging the digital divide and supporting service organizations that provide telehealth services. “From doctor's appointments to opportunities in education and professional development, we are making these resources easily accessible for all New Yorkers,” said Hochul.

Earlier this week, Hochul joined the Port Authority and the MTA in unveiling a $160 million proposal to upgrade the Q70 LaGuardia Airport bus line. The $160 million spending proposal includes increased services between 10 AM and 4 PM, new traffic signals, a bus-only lane for the Q70, and exclusive road access in LaGuardia Airport. Additionally, the spending proposal includes wayfinding and lighting improvements at Jackson Heights-Roosevelt Ave and 61st Street-Woodside train stations. The spending proposal builds upon the state’s commitment to improving public transportation reliability and reiterates Hochul’s support for the MTA and LaGuardia Airport. “The transformation of LaGuardia airport into a world-class destination that is recognized for its excellence is an integral part of our bold vision for a new era in New York,” explained Hochul.

On Wednesday, Hochul announced a disbursement of awards to 14 companies for economic development projects. Awarded by NYPA, the economic development projects centered around clean energy, including electric buses and hydropower projects. Additionally, Hochul announced the approval of an Industrial Economic Development program for the Village of Marathon in Cortland County, allowing the village to expand a $3.5 million project to expand a machine shop using hydropower. The recent awards and approval support the state’s commitment to an affordable and just transition to a clean energy economy and the goal of achieving an emission-free economy by 2050. “New York’s clean energy investments are fueling economic growth, creating jobs, and strengthening communities across the state,” said Hochul.

This week, Hochul visited a supermarket in Slingerlands and a school in Watervliet to campaign for her budget agenda. In the Slingerlands supermarket, Hochul talked with shoppers to advocate for her affordability agenda, which includes proposals for inflation rebate checks, income tax cuts for low-income earners, and increased child tax credits for families. In her visit to the Watervliet school, Hochul spoke with students, parents, and teachers to advocate for her various education budget items, including universal free school meals and a “bell-to-bell” classroom phone ban. Additionally, Hochul explained that her education budget items are related to her overall affordability agenda. “What I’m fighting for in our Budget – trying really hard to put more money back in their pockets [with] the $1,000 check for families with children under the age of four [and] $500 for older kids,” said Hochul.


Next week, the Legislature is scheduled to be in session Tuesday to Thursday
Final Budget is due by April 1st.

Senator Jessica Ramos Urges the State to Withold Tax Revenue From the Feds

With uncertainty over federal funds growing, Senator Jessica Ramos is urging Hochul and leaders of the Legislature to include the Reciprocal Enforcement of Claims on Unpaid or Reduced State Entities (RECOURSE) Act in the Final Budget agreement. The bill would require the state to withhold tax revenue from the federal government if it violates a court order or withhold federal funding from the state. Ramos explained that the bill would provide a safety net for the state’s financial stability if the federal government withholds federal funding. “Let me be clear: New York does not bow to intimidation. We do not cower. We stand up, and we organize. We defend what’s ours,” said Ramos. Notably, Senate Finance Chair Liz Krueger previously questioned the legality and possibility of such a move in the Joint Budget Hearing on Taxes.


Lawmakers Urge Inclusion of the BRIDGE Act in the Final Budget

Additionally, Ramos joined Assemblymember Micah Lasher in calling for a proposed bill that would provide an easy pathway to enter the state government to be included in the Final Budget agreement. Specifically, the Building Recruitment and Incentives for Dedicated Government Employees (BRIDGE) Act would provide recently fired federal workers with up to three years of state pension credit if they join to work for the state government. Lasher explained that not only would the BRIDGE Act address the shortage of state workers, but also highlights that “Blue states like New York have the power to protect our people and the power to protect our state.”

Senate GOP Lawmakers Urge Legislature to Accept Hochul's Discovery Law Change Proposal 

Amidst ongoing budget talks regarding Hochul’s proposal to change the state’s discovery laws, Senate GOP lawmakers and Nassau County DA Anne Donnelly urged the leaders of the Legislature to accept Hochul’s proposal. “The reforms proposed by the Governor in her budget were at least a step in the right direction, but once again, our colleagues in the Senate Majority have shown they have zero regard for public safety,” said Senate GOP Leader Rob Ortt. Ortt explained that the current discovery laws have eroded public safety due to increased criminal case dismissals and “It’s time to stop prioritizing criminals over crime victims.”

Aung Hset/D&A

Lawmakers Will Soon Conduct "Holistic Review" of DOCCS

On Tuesday, after a recorded fatal beating of Robert Brooks by correctional staff at Marcy Correctional Facility and weeks of strikes by COs across state correctional facilities, Speaker Heastie said that lawmakers would soon start their “holistic review” of the state DOCCS. "When Mr. Brooks was murdered, one of the things we talked about was trying to get a very holistic review of the state correctional system,” said Heastie. Heastie also explained that he would consider possible changes to the HALT Act as promised in the agreement that ended the COs’ strikes. “I will never refuse to listen to people's opinions,” explained Heastie. Many lawmakers, including Heastie, have rebuked talks of possible changes to the HALT Act. However, many agree to address the staffing shortages across all state correctional facilities, which is part of the Legislature’s upcoming “holistic review.”

Aung Hset/D&A

Late Registration Period for CDPAP Transition Deadline 

On Tuesday, after a recorded fatal beating of Robert Brooks by correctional staff at Marcy Correctional Facility and weeks of strikes by COs across state correctional facilities, Speaker Heastie said that lawmakers would soon start their “holistic review” of the state DOCCS. "When Mr. Brooks was murdered, one of the things we talked about was trying to get a very holistic review of the state correctional system,” said Heastie. Heastie also explained that he would consider possible changes to the HALT Act as promised in the agreement that ended the COs’ strikes. “I will never refuse to listen to people's opinions,” explained Heastie. Many lawmakers, including Heastie, have rebuked talks of possible changes to the HALT Act. However, many agree to address the staffing shortages across all state correctional facilities, which is part of the Legislature’s upcoming “holistic review.”

Lawmakers Urge for Permanent Funding for Child Care Workforce Compensation Fund

On Wednesday, Democrat lawmakers joined advocates in urging Hochul and the leaders of the Legislature to establish and fund the Child Care Workforce Compensation Fund permanently. The advocacy for the $1 billion funding for the Fund comes as the state Child Care Assistance Program is facing a budget shortfall in NYC and increased cost of child care statewide due to staffing shortages. The bill to permanently establish the Fund would require the state OCFS to determine a funding formula to prioritize Child Care Assistance Program providers. Lawmakers and advocates also warned that Hochul’s budget proposals on child care would not adequately provide for providers and families. “NY will not have enough child care workers or assistance funding to back that,” explained Senate Children and Families Chair Jabari Brisport.

Aung Hset/D&A

Assembly Passes Menstrual Product Safety Bill

Yesterday, the Assembly announced a passage of a bill that would restrict the use of chemicals determined by the state DOH as harmful, including lead, mercury, and PFAS, in menstrual products. “Since the sale of the first menstrual pad 186 years ago, women have been kept in the dark about the ingredients found in their most trusted period products,” Assembly bill sponsor Linda Rosenthal explained on the necessity of the bill. With the bill also being passed in the Senate in January, the bill will now have to be delivered to Hochul’s desk for her signature or veto.

Lawmakers Introduce Bill to Revoke Tesla's In-Person Sales Permit

Earlier this week, Senator Pat Fahy introduced a bill that would revoke Tesla’s permit to operate five in-person sales locations in the state and issue new permits to other electric vehicle manufacturers. Fahy acknowledges the bill as an attack against Elon Musk, saying, “He’s part of an effort to go backward.” Fahy also explained that the bill would open up the state's electric vehicle market and help it achieve its environmental goals. Assemblymember Gabriella Romero, who is set to introduce the bill in the Assembly, explained, “As we work to make our state more green, we’re also working to bring more options for ZEV consumers throughout the state – not just close to New York City and certainly not just Tesla.”

Aung Hset/D&A

Lawmakers Urge for More Funding for AP Class Expansion 

This week, Senate Education Chair Shelley Mayer joined lawmakers in support of a bill that would establish an incentive grant program for schools that expand AP courses. Sponsored by Senator Jamaal Bailey and Assemblymember Brian Cunningham, that bill would allow high schools that offer fewer than five AP classes to apply for grants of $350 per student who is experiencing economic hardships. Lawmakers and advocates explain that AP courses help high school students academically succeed in college and help with college graduation rates. “All students deserve the opportunity to challenge themselves in the classroom, participate in classes with intellectual depth, and leave high school with college credit,” explained Mayer.


Senator Simcha Felder Wins Special Election for NYC Council Seat

On Tuesday, Senator Simcha Felder won a special election to succeed Assemblymember Kalman Yeger’s former NYC Council seat. Felder beat Republican Harold Tischler, who ran on a “Team Trump” ballot line, by almost 80% of the total votes. Notably, Felder represented the same area that the City Council District encompasses from 2002 to 2010 before becoming a Senator. As an incoming City Councilmember, Felder says he will focus on public safety, affordability, and education.

DEC Releases First Draft Rule for Cap-and-Invest Program

On Wednesday, the state DEC released its draft greenhouse gas reporting rules as a first step towards implementing the Cap-and-Invest program. The draft rules would require companies that produce at least 10,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide to begin tracking their emissions in 2026, with the first reporting deadline in June 2027. The DEC would then use the reporting data for analysis, tracking the results of the Cap-and-Invest program, and enforcement. With the draft rules published, the public can comment on it between April 2nd and July 1st. To fully implement the Cap-and-Invest program, the DEC will need to release two more draft rules.

Trump Withdraws Elise Stefanik's Nomination for UN Ambassador

Yesterday, President Trump announced that he is rescinding his nomination of North Country-based Congressmember Elise Stefanik for the position of UN Ambassador. “There are others that can do a good job at the United Nations. Therefore, Elise will stay in Congress, rejoin the House Leadership Team, and continue to fight for our amazing American People,” said Trump. Stefanik was expected to be confirmed by the Senate in a scheduled hearing on April 2nd. However, Congressional Republicans have expressed concerns about Stefanik’s expected departure due to the House Republicans’ slim majority. Notably, Hochul previously pushed for a bill that would give her authority to delay the date of special elections in anticipation of Stefanik's expected departure.


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Friday Morning Brief March 21, 2025